Last nite evening gav me quite a scared.......
It was a very hectic week. I finally got my Diploma in Education last Tuesday - 20th April 2010. I drove my car from Sri Aman down 2 Kuching (takes 'bout 3 hours, last Friday) Right after I reached Kuching (around 6 p.m.), I followed my hubby 2 his bowling tournament at Parkson-Riverside. We came home quite late & I was so exausted.
Later-on Sunday, we went to Sarikin (outing with my parents, grand-nan & sis) 2 buy few things, since both my parents R going 4 Umrah diz May 2010 at Mecca. Lots of things can B found there, but I only bought few snacks & a set of carving (to be hang inside my house). We managed 2 get back 2 Kuching quite early b'coz my parents and grand-nan wat 2hav their injections (a must b4 going abroad) & I also took da chance 2conform my stat of pragnency (which is positive by da way), & I hav 2sent my car 2my friend (I rent it to her 4 2days 2da konvo), went back home to my hubby's house and falls asleep.
Erly on Monday mornin', I went 2da Institut 2take 'JUBAH' 4'da ceremony on Tuesday, and a short rehersel. Aftr dat I went back 4 a while 2my parents house b4 I went back to my parents-in-law house. After my husband got back from work, we moved to my parents house (since my parents want to see me taking my Diploma) n stay 4da nite.
Next morning - Konvo Day! Busy2 as usual and finished around 12 in the afternoon. Later dat evening, me & my hubby went out with my friends &went KAROK! It was fun until 11 p.m., I finally gave up and went back home.
On Wednesday (I only managed 2get 3days off from GB) so I hav 2drive back to Sri Aman (3hours driving! - again). As I arrived I was so exausted dat I couldn't stand.
Late dat nite (which gave me the fright) I saw a drop of blood on the toilet bowl & I was like ..... (I dunno how 2describe my feeling at dat time). Sumhow I'm so tired dat I don't hav da strength to drive 2da nearest hospital- so I slept. The next day (I'm still thinking 'bout the blood & da chances it'll get miscarrage) I went 2 school as usual and only went to the clinic around 3.30 p.m.
I was lucky my baby still intake in my womb & I manage 2C him/her for da 1st time. I was so happy! Then da doc adviced me to take a lot of rest & avoid doing havy things. Praise to Allah, my baby is save here inside of me..
"Sorry Mummy didn't think about you diz few days. You must be tired also. So mummy is going to take it easy as much as possible okey!"
My baby is now 6 weeks and 1 day. I can see his/her heart beat 2day too!! I love you baby! Thanks to Doc Guang for your help 2day.