Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lite head

I'm a bit tired today. In fact this whole week, I'm exhausted! Yes, I just got back from my long long maternity leaves (which I really am thankful because it had been a very peaceful 3 whole months), but I still am tired. Could it be because of the labor or taking care of Adela? Well, most probably because of her, my beautiful nearly 4 months old little baby Adela....

This week, nothing much happened. Me and my colleagues when to one of the primary school in Sri Aman area, to watch Story telling Competition in English and Malay. Thank goodness that our school didn't sent any participant. Well, actually we do have 2 participants who cannot come (intentionally or unintentionally).

Last Friday, before the competitions, we gathered the pupils and give short 'taklimat' of a sort.. We told them to ask their parents to sent them to Pangkalan Tokong (by bot, since they lives quite far from the city). Don't know where the h*** is the problem, 3 of them (out of 6 pupils) can't make it! We were standing there for quite a while but only 3 pupils show themselves. The only problem was, the 3 pupils are not the participant!

So, we went to the school as planned. As I said, thank goodness we don't have any participant. The other pupils from other schools are goooooddd.... I mean, really GOOD! Anyway, we have our fun there. Even the 3 pupils who came with us have a blast time!

Around 1pm we went back to Sri Aman. And lives goes back as normal routine.

But still, I'm tired. When can I get enough sleep? Well, maybe for the next 30 years, after Adela grows up and become a person of her own.....

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