Monday, January 28, 2013

Wish List - Check!

Did I ever tell you that one thing that I want to buy is the Overedge Machine (Mesin Jahit Sisi)? Well, I FINALLY bought it last Sunday!

It's Singer Overedge Machine Model 14N655 with 4 treads! At first I just want to buy secondhand goods, and the price is RM 900. But after some discussion with my husband, I finally decided to buy this model. It is RM 1415 and I'M SOOOO HAPPY (over the moon already)!

So, I will list down every project that I want to do this year and just do it!

Thanks to my husband for the understand. I really love to sew and I really want to be a PRO (if can laaa).

Happy crafting everybody! xoxox

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